Our History

Take a trip down memory lane

Join us as we recount Ethiopost’s amazing journey that dates back more than a century.

Our History

Take a trip down memory lane

Join us as we recount Ethiopost’s amazing journey that dates back more than a century.
1894, The establishment
The introduction of the Postal Service backdated to 1894, the 9th of March, by Imperial Edict, five years after his installation as the King of Ethiopia. Ethiopost was established almost two decades after the birth of UPU (1875).

This day marks the historic occasion of the start of the Djibouti-Addis Railway construction. Hence,135,000 sets, a set of seven stamps were issued (the Menelik Issue), in 1894, 24th of November depicting Emperor Menelik (1844-1913), and three depicting the heraldic lion.
The earliest recorded date of use of the stamps is the 29th of January, 1895.

Ethiopost joined the UPU on 1st November 1908. Before Ethiopost’s membership to UPU, the stamps issued were valid only for local mail and Djibouti. Mails for international purposes needed to be franked by other UPU member countries.  For this same purpose, French Post offices operated in Ethiopia, in Addis Ababa, Harar, and Dire Dawa.
UPU Membership
A set of stamps was issued in commemoration of the membership of the Ethiopian Postal Service to UPU.
Post and telecom became separated as two different entities.
The first Postal Proclamation (Postal Proclamation No 240/1966) by Emperor H/Selassie.
Ethiopian Post established as independent entity
Head-office building construction completed, the design is deliberated in making the postal operation smooth and agile.
The Postal Museum opened for visitors at the head office.
Ethiopost is a founding member of Pan African Postal Union.
Ethiopost was established as a State Owned Enterprise by regulation number 165/2009 under the public enterprises holding and administration agency.
Ethiopost hosted UPU’s Extraordinary congress in Addis Ababa. The congress was successful.