

Stamp Info
Stamp ID: 8644
Date of Issue:
January 24, 2019
Birr 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 2.00, 3.00
Process of Printing:
Lithography in 4 Colors
Printed by:
Southern Color(New Zealand)

Stamp Introduction

Each First day covers Envelopes are available at Addis Ababa General post office philatelic section and in all post offices Branches. The stamps are on sale in post offices.

Black-Billed Barbet

Black-billed Barbet is a small sized Black Barbet and has bright red appearance in the middle of its crown, face and throat. Its bill is black and its wing edges are washed with yellow. In Ethiopia the bird is found in low lands and middle altitude areas, in open woodlands, in areas with fig trees and agricultural related areas. it feeds fruits from the forest and especially figs.

Dusky Turtie Dove

The general appearance of this bird is blackish grey and has black print symbols on either side of its neck. The secondaries of its fathers are bright red brownish and these feather colors are conspicuous symbols. This bird species is found in high and medium altitude localities and highland edges, in Juniperus and Eucalyptus plantations, in agricultural and garden areas. Its voice is a very deep grading and scraping orrrrr-orrrrr with all notes descending.

White-bellied go-away Bird

This bird is in the genus Turaco. It has long, pointed crest in the middle of its head. Its breast is fully dull grey and it meets with its belly. Its distribution is in dry and semi-arid localities especially in dense acacia areas, it is a frugivorous bird.

Sombre Night Jar

The general appearance and ear coverts of somber Nightjar are black and has conspicuous nape collar. Its body size is similar to a big dove, mostly the bird is similar to Montane Nightjar, In flight the male somber Nightjar has white spots on 3-4 feathers of the primaries. Its distribution is in central and south of the country.

Red-Fronted Tinker Bird

This bird is smaller than the Red-fronted Barbet and has black streak on its check. It is widely distributed in dry bush land and open woodland either single or in pairs.