የአዲስ አበባ 100ኛ ዓመት

Centenary of Addis Ababa

Stamp Info
Stamp ID: 1245
30 x 40 mm.
Date of Issue:
September 7, 1987
Birr 0.05, 0.10, 0.80, 1.00
Process of Printing:
Lithography in four colors
Printed by:
Cartor S.A. France

Stamp Introduction

First Day Covers are available at Addis Ababa General Post Office and its branches, Adigrat, Akaki, Arba Minch, Assela, Awasa, Axum, Bahir- Dar, Kebre-Mengist, Debre-Berhan, Debre-Marikos, Debre-Zeit, Dembi-Dolo, Hossana, Dessie, Dilla, Dire Dawa, Fitche, Gambella, Ghion, Ginnir, Robe Bale, Jinka, Gondar, Gore, Harrar, Jijiga, Jimma, Mekele, Mettu, Hagere-Hiwot, Hirna, Nazareth, Negele Borena, Nekemte, Shashemene, Wolaita-Sodo, Assebe Teferi and Yirgalem Post Offices on the day of issue.

Orders. for stamps and F.D. Cs (in advance payment). To the Ethiopian Postal service, philatelic Section P.O. Box 1112 Addis Ababa Ethiopia or Philatelic Agencies of the Provisional Military Government of Socialist Ethiopia. Les Edition Rodanch. de Waterloo Stwg. 868-879, 1 180 Brussels Belgium for Europe, British Isles and the common wealth or stamp. Values, P.O. Box 4107 Grand Central Post Office, New York city, N. Y. 10017 U.S.A. for North central and South America.

When celebrating the centennial anniversary or Addis Ababa which is resting on approximately 600 gashas encircled by mountains and having a 4 population of over a million and half one can enfold unending chapters of history about the 7 capitals. Striking is however. the acute shortage or !!: water and fire wood the just founded capital at Entoto faced on the morrow of its foundation. Historical documents state that the gravity of the problem was so Much that Emperor Menelik could not help moving to other quarters.

The exceptional attraction and the dense forest near the Finfine Filweha (hot spring) soon won the hearts of Emperor Menelik and Taitu. The capital. therefore. Shifted to Finfine in November, 1886 and it was renamed Addis Ababa by Empress Taitu.