Over 3.5 million Years old LUCY
Discovered in November 1974 in Central Afar, Ethiopia, ‘LUCY’ represents the oldest early hominid skeleton (40% Complete) yet known. Her discoverer D.C Johanson and other members of the International Afar Research Expedition spent four successive field seasons in the area between 1973 and 1977 and discovered over 240 hominid specimens representing at least 35 individuals.
The most recent dating of the Geological formation in which LUCY was found suggests her age to be some-thing over 3.500,000 years before present. The age range of all the discovered material appears to be between 3 and 3.8 million years. This means that we now have more fossils for this particular era than for most earlier of later periods.
Based on their studies of the Hadar material and similar age fossils from Laetoli, Tanzania, Johanson and T.D. White have proposed naming LUCY and other related fossils Australopithecus Afarensis. It is believed that her name come from the Beatles’ song’ LUCY in the sky with diamonds’.
LUCY was, a small young adult female, slightly over one meter tall and weighed about 30 kilos. Although small she was relatively powerful for her size, and fully bipedal. LUCY is a cast, but all other material is original.