1. Yellow-frosted parrot
Occurs in Ethiopia from approx. 2000-11000ft in the western & southeastern highlands; The Rift Valley & the western lowlands in forests & woodlands varying from st. John’s wort & hagesia to olive, podecarpus & juniper to fig & acacia. Regular visitor to the Military Hospital grounds near old airport.
2. White-Winged Cliff Chat
Locally frequent too common in the highlands of most of Ethiopia where it lives in, Gorges, on Cliffs, on scrubby mountain sides common in the north & in Eritrea-usually above 6500 ft. & rarely below 5000 ft.
3. Yellow throated seed eats
Kown from few isolated areas in acacia grass in Southern & southeastern Ethiopia..
4. Black Pleaded Forest Oriole
Western & South Eastern hi ds, the Rift Valley & Southern Ethiopia from about 4000. 10,500 ft. Frequent in the north common to abundant in the south.