በኢትዮጵያ ብቻ የሚገኙ ወፎች

Endemic Birds of Ethiopia

Stamp Info
Stamp ID: 1317
30x40 mm
Date of Issue:
May 18, 1989
Birr 0.10, 0.35, 0.50, 1.00
Process of Printing:
Lithography in Four colors
Printed by:
Heraclio Fournier S.A. SPAIN

Stamp Introduction

First Day Covers are available at Addis Ababa General Post Office and its branches, Adigrat, Akaki, Arba Minch, Assela, Awasa, Axum, Bahir- Dar, Kebre-Mengist, Debre-Berhan, Debre-Marikos, Debre-Zeit, Dembi-Dolo, Hossana, Dessie, Dilla, Dire Dawa, Fitche, Gambella, Ghion, Ginnir, Robe Bale, Jinka, Gondar, Gore, Harrar, Jijiga, Jimma, Mekele, Mettu, Hagere-Hiwot, Hirna, Nazareth, Negele Borena, Nekemte, Shashemene, Wolaita-Sodo, Assebe Teferi and Yirgalem Post Offices on the day of issue.

Orders for stamps and F.D. Cs (in advance payment), to the Ethiopian Postal Service, Philatelic section, Post Box 1112, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia or to Philatelic Agencies of the People’s Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Les Editions Rodan Ch, de Waterioo Stwge 868-870 1180 Brussels Belgium for Europe, British Isles and the Commonwealth or stamp values P.O. Box 4107 Grand Central post office 460 west 34th Street New York City N.Y. 10001 U.S.A. for North Central and South America.

1. Yellow-frosted parrot

Occurs in Ethiopia from approx. 2000-11000ft in the western & southeastern highlands; The Rift Valley & the western lowlands in forests & woodlands varying from st. John’s wort & hagesia to olive, podecarpus & juniper to fig & acacia. Regular visitor to the Military Hospital grounds near old airport.

2. White-Winged Cliff Chat

Locally frequent too common in the highlands of most of Ethiopia where it lives in, Gorges, on Cliffs, on scrubby mountain sides common in the north & in Eritrea-usually above 6500 ft. & rarely below 5000 ft.

3. Yellow throated seed eats

Kown from few isolated areas in acacia grass in Southern & southeastern Ethiopia..

4. Black Pleaded Forest Oriole

Western & South Eastern hi ds, the Rift Valley & Southern Ethiopia from about 4000. 10,500 ft. Frequent in the north common to abundant in the south.