Fish are almost ubiquitous and they live both in salt and fresh water. Fishes need the aquatic environment to breathe, feed, grow and reproduce. The water is also needed in greater quantity because only a larger volume of water can carry adequate amount of oxygen and nutrients which are essential for their survival.
Many fishes are edible and provide food for millions all over the world. They also have commercial uses as animal food and raw materials. They are capable of furnishing useful items such as leather, ornamentation or sharp points for spears and clubs. Some people angle fish for pleasure and this activity has become an important sport in many parts of the world. Many people keep fishes as pets at home in aquariums and enjoy the aesthetic pleasure of watching them.
Today, there are over Twenty thousand living fish species in the world. For our fourth stamp issue on the subject “Fishes”, for kind of sea fishes which are widely spread in all the Endo pacific area from the red sea to Polynesia including the Gulf of Aden., the Oman coast and Mauritius Islands are described below.
Adioryx diadema (Lacepede): diadem squirrel fish abut 15cm. long. These squirrel fishes have crepuscular and nocturnal habits but spend all the day in the cavities of the reef which they seldom leave. They are often seen in groups of soldier fishes (Myripristis) sharing the same biotope. However, they feed on benthic invertebrates whereas the soldier fishes hunt in mid water.
Chaetodon Melapterus (Guchenot): black-finned butterfly fish about 12cm. Long: These butterfly fishes live in groups in the corals of the southern Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Oman Costs and the Mauritius Islands. They live on the reef flat and in shallow water.
Pygoplites diacantus (Boddaert): Regal angelfish: This angel fish has bright and contrasting colors. It lives solitary in shallow water in the holes of the reef and feeds principally on sponges. It is widespread in all the Endopacific area from the Red Sea to Polynesia.
Carcharhinus amblyrhunchos (Bleeker): grey reef shark. This small shark grows to less than 2m, and is widespread on coral reefs between 0 and 40m. from the Red Sea to Polynesia. It often forms small groups which can become very dangerous.