በኢትዮጵያ ብቻ የሚገኙ ዛፎች

Indigenous Trees of Ethiopia

3ኛ እትም •
III Series
Stamp Info
Stamp ID: 0852
30X40 mm
Date of Issue:
June 27, 2002
Birr 0.50, 0.60, 0.90, 2.00
Process of Printing:
Lithography in four colors
Printed by:
Cartor Security Printing(France)

Stamp Introduction

First Day Covers are available at Addis Ababa General Post Office and its branches, Post Offices on the day of Issue Orders for stamps and F.D.Cs in advance payment) to the Ethiopian Postal Service, Philatelic Section, Post Box 1112, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia or to Philatelic Agencies of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Campo – Rodan 9 Rue du Lombard 13-1,000 Brussels, Belgium for Europe, British Isles and the Commonwealth countries or IGPC P.O.Box 4107 Grand Central Post Office 460 West 34 Street New York City, N.Y. 10001 U.S.A, for North, Central and South America.

Plant a Tree in Ethiopia

Initial Idea:- CPAR-ETHIOPIA, Plant a Tree Campaign

Canadian physicians for Aid and Relief-Ethiopia (CPAR-ET has been involved with rehabilitation of the environment through the raising and planting of millions of tree seedlings for over 12 years. CPAR-ET is inspired by the vision of a healthy planet, where health is broadly defined to include human well-being, environmental integrity, and social justice. CPAR-Ethiopia has initiated a “plant a tree in Ethiopia” campaign since 1998. The main objective of this campaign has been to create public awareness of the public on the importance of safe guarding our natural resources and the environment around us in general and educate side effects of deforestation in particular.

Boswellia Papyrifera (Yetan – Zaf)

A deciduous tree species the savannah wood and sandy terraces on plains, in semi-arid lowland – steppe: succulents-scrub and semi-humid lowland – savannah. Incense-scrub between 500-1300 m altitude. Usually found abundantly in rocky areas of hilly slopes,’ sometimes very dominant on steep rocky slopes, also on lava flows. It is widely distributed in Tigray, Gondar, Gojjam and Shewa. Tree 10-12m: bark smooth, whitish to pale brown Peeling off in large parchmentry flakes: branchlets pubescent Leaves 15-45 cm. Long. pubescent to tomentose: petiole 0.5-4cm: leaflets 11-29, flowering and fruiting times are March to April and April to May respectively.

It is suitable for matchboxes and splints, particleboard and pencils, agricultural implements, polywood picture frames, and veneers. The resin is the raw material of the Ethiopian frankincense and is widely collected in North Ethiopia.

Prunus africana /Tikur-Inchet/

Prunus Africana is evergreen species of the mountain forest tree, commonly found in hot to warm moist! gorges mainly between 1700-2500m altitude. Within Ethiopia, it is mainly found in Welega, Kefa, Sidamo, Illubabor, Bale, Arsi, Harerge, Shewa, Gondar and Gojjam in mountain or reverie.

It is a large tree reaches 6-40m high and 30-80 cm in diameter at breast height (nearly a shrub in lava forest soil).

Its crown in conical, rounded or narrowly umbelliform, dense and heavy dark green foliage, with large, regular obliquely ascending branches, lowering down at the ends in the old trees. A tree bark is reddish brown to blackish, smooth, longitudinally fissured, cracking of in thick elongated or rectangular patches. Bark Grey, slash white, Stinky exceeding copicus white latex, Fruiting time is from October to December. Its sapwood is pinkish white, soft, hard work pink to red on exposure, semi-arid and semi-heavy, with fine grain.

It is an excellent timber, used for house building, heavy construction, bridge, carpentry, poles, furniture, veneer, also a bark infusion is used as a purgative. The stem bark used for medicine against urinary disorders and beehives. It is moderately strong, fairly straight and even in grain shrinking much net durable in the ground. It is very useful and durable for strong furniture and veneers.

Acacia Abyssinca (Bazra-grar)

It is indigenous tree species to east Africa. In Ethiopia, it is found throughout the country in between 2000-3500m. altitude, frequently on the stream valley or river bank areas in lllubabor, Wellega, Jimma, Sidamo, Western Tigray and Shewa regions. It is a flat – topped crown typical feature of this mountain acacia. Also the species provides abundant hector and pollen to honey bees, it is an important honey tree. Because of the tree that umbrella shape of crown, it provides shade for both animals and humans. Furthermore, mainly birds build their homes within the umbrella-shaped crown of this species. It is beautiful ornamental tree, especially for parks and sanctuaries, for planting along roads and highways, since it can be managed to any desired shape and sizes. Apart from these uses, the species is the most important to provide the soil moisture level at optional during the initial of seeding or degraded lands, thus ameliorating the soil conditions. It is also capable of tolerating droughts. Consequently, the species is useful for conserving and improving degraded soils and landscapes.

Aningeria adoifi-friderci (Kerero)

Deciduous species of the humid mountain forests, often found in an extensive dominant forest in association with others broad – leaved species, mainly in the moisture condition of climate. It is dominant top – story tree in humid upper highland forest and co-dominant in humid lower highland forest between 1600 and 2600 m. altitude.

It is widely distributed in Southern parts of the country: Wellega, Illubabor, Kefa, Sidamo, Bale , Arsi and Shewa regions.

The tree heights 45-50m up, straight, crown small, rounded. Young parts covered with golden-rusty tomentum. Bark grey, slash white, stinky, exuding copious a white latex. Leaves simple, alternate, density to lightly tomentos beneath, flowering time from January to February, fruiting time from February to April. It is suitable for construction, carpentry, framework, furniture, flooring parquets and concrete shuttering.