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National Parks of Ethiopia

1ኛ እትም •
I Series
Stamp Info
Stamp ID: 0928
45x31.8 mm
Date of Issue:
September 8, 1999
Birr 0.45, 0.70, 0.85, 2.00
Process of Printing:
Lithography in four colors
Printed by:
Joh. Enschede Stamps Security Printers(Netherlands)

Stamp Introduction

First Day Covers are available at Addis Ababa General Post Office and its branches, AdigratAkakl, Arba-Minch, Assebe-Teferi, Assela, Awasa, Acum, Bahir Dar, DebreBerhan, Debre Markos, Debre-Zeit, Dembi-Dolo. Dessie, Dilla, DireDawa, Fitche, Gambella, Ghion, Ginnir, Gondor, Gore, Hagere-Hiwot, Harer, Hirna, Hossana, Jiliga, Jimma, Jinka, Kebre-Mengist, Mekele, Mettu, Nazareth, NegeleBorena, Nekemte, Robe-Bale, Shashemene, Wolaita-Sodo and Yirgalem Post Offices on the day of Issue. Orders for stamps and F.D.Cs (in advance payment) to the Ethiopian Postal Service, Philatelic Section Post Box 1112, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia or to Philatelic Agencies of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Campo-Rodan Rue du Lombard 13-1,000 Brussel, Belgium for Europe, British Isles and the Commonwealth countries or IGPC P.O.BOX 4107 Grand Central Post Office 460 West 34 Street New York City, NY, 10001 U.S.A. for North, Central and South America.

Nechisar National Park

Nechisar National Park is beautifully situated between Lakes Abaya & Chamo, near the town of Arbai-Minch. It is 500 km. from Mills Ababa. The park is 750 square kilo meters in area, and was established in 1974 as a place where reasonable numbers of the endemic Swayne’s Hartebeest could be conserved, along with other Savanna Wildlife. Nechisar means “White grass” in Amharic and the name derives from the plains area here, where the grass color is in striking contrast to the surrounding hills & lakes. This is a very varied park, combining some spectacular scenery with interesting animals, birds & vegetation.

Although Nechisar is relatively small in area. there are 188 species on the current ‘bird list. The lakes, plains and hills provide a wide variety of habitats.

Crocodile farming is being established to the north of the park. The entrance is 5 K.M. before the turning to the park, on the left. Visitors are welcome, and are able to see the different growth stages of the crocodiles. Sport fishing and boat rides are available on both lakes.

The ancient town of Chencha lies above Arba Minch on the slopes of mountain Gauge. A visit there not only shows some of the past culture of this area, but also is in stark! contrast to the hot lowlands of the park area.

Bale Mountains National Park

Bale Mountains National Park lies on the Southern end of the chain of mountains forming the eastern side of the rift valley. It is 400 km. from Addis Ababa, & may be reached by two routes either through Nazareth & Asella, or Shashamane.

Bale Mountains National Park was created originally as a protection to the then dwindling numbers of Mountain Nyala. It is 2200 square kilo meters of alpine plateau, forest and woodland, and boasts the highest all-weather road in Africa, going over 4000 meters. The highest peak in southern Ethiopia, Tullu Deemtu at 4337 M., is within the park, and a road reaches its summit.

The park protects two of Ethiopia’s most important endemic species the Mountain Nyala and Simien Jackal, as well as the endemic sub species Menelik’s Bushbuck and numerous endemic rodents, plant, etc. Fifteen of Ethiopia’s 25 endemic bird species! may be seen, among the over 200 species so far recorded for park.

The Sof Omor Caves are 110 km from Robe. Here the Web river has cut through the limestone to form a spectacular series of caves which can be entered. Torches are advisable. For those interested in fishing, rivers were stocked with rainbow and brown trout in the 1960’s. Fishing licences are available in Dinsho & Goba, & the trout taste even better cooked with freshly picked thyme (Tosign in Amharic).

Abijata-Shalla Lakes National Park

This park lies less than 200 K.M. South of Addis Ababa, on the Shashamane road. The park Comprises two alkaline lakesAbijata and Shalla, together with a portion of the surrounding countryside. The boundaries enclose an area of 1040 square kilometers, about half of which is water. The chief attractions of this park are undoubtedly the scenic beauty of the lakes, and the wealth of birdlife they support.

A short distance from the park headquarters at Dole is a lookout point giving views of both lakes, showing the contrasts between them. A small Museum is situated at the headquarters and gives an opportunity of seeing birds at close quarters as an aid to identification. Lake Chitu is a small crater lake situated near Gike rest house. The track leads to the rim of the crater, giving superb views of the thousands of flamingos found here, feeding on the blue-green algae which give the lake its characteristic color. There is a large area of hot springs on the shores of Lake Shall, some producing boiling water and others just steam. The area is visited by people & cattle who partake of the waters for their health.

Awash National Park

Awash National Park is situated 21 from Addis Ababa, on the main Rift valley. The park is 827 square kilometer area, in dry lowlands with features as hot springs, an extinct volcano, lava beds, waterfalls and Rivers.

Nearly 50 species of larger mammals have recorded in the park. Busier Onys, Sommerring’s Gazelle and a small group of swayne’s Hartebeest are easily seen on. some notable carnivores in the park include Lion, Leopard, Cheetah & serval, Black backed & Golden Jackals, and Spotted Striped Hyaena.
variety of habitats in the park offers actuary to nearly 400 species of birds. north of the park are the hot springs of Woha, where sparkling blue green pools and rivers contain water at 36°C. This pleasant Oasis of down palms is home many bird species. Near the park Head quarters in the park Museum, where there are many specimens on display. A short walk through the bushes from there brings a sight of the spectacular Awash Water fall- & cool respite on a hot day.