Many Legends have been said about the Ethiopian flag some of which describe that the Ethiopian flag, as it is now, in green, yellow and red colors is a very old one and used from immemorial time. Though the colour is reserved, it does not mean that the flag was created at once. Each colour was added at a different period: Green, at the foundation of the Solomonic dynasty and red at the time of the acceptance of Christianity.
The other part of the legend tells that the oldest flag of Ethiopia can be dated from the 10th century and it was blue: then the Falasha dynasty replaced it by yellow and the Zagwe, by red. The blue colour reappeared at the time of the restoration of the Solomonid line. As an addition, the red cross was put on it in 1588; in 1688 the flag was substantially modified, namely, the sun was added to the cross.
Due to lack of records and the fading out of the colours of the preserved flags through the passage _of time, it is difficult to trace the exact time the flag appeared and its colour of the times. The development of the flag in three colours; green, yellow and red which finally became the Ethio-pian national flag was not set up at once and the final process of making it lasted more than ten years. The flag as in the past was considered as a distinguishing sign and later as a national emblem as well. It was at the reign of Menelik II as a King of Shoa and later as Emperor of Ethiopia that the present-day flag took shape, each colour having its own meaning Viz, green; hope, fertility & prosperity; Yellow: religion, flower and fruit; Red; love, sacrifice and patriotism which almost in all cases still holds true