ባህላዊ የጸጉር ጌጣጌጦች

Traditional Hair Ornaments

Stamp Info
Stamp ID: 1036
40.5 X 30.45 mm.
Date of Issue:
September 2, 1994
Birr 0.05, 0.15, 0.80, 1.00
Process of Printing:
Lithography in four colors
Printed by:
Cartor S.A.-France

Stamp Introduction

First Day Covers are available at Addis Ababa General Post Office and its branches, Adigrat, Akaki, Arba Minich, Assela, Awasa, Axum, Bahir Dar, Kebre Mengist, Debre – Berhan, Debre-Markos, Debre – Zeit, Dembi – Dolo, Hossana, Dessie, Dilla, Dire Dawa, Fitche, Gambela, Ghion, Ginnir, Goba, jinka, Gondar, Gore, Harar, Jinka, Jimma, Mekele, Mettu, Hagere-Hiwot, Hirna, Nazareth, Negele Borena, Nekemte, Shashemene, Wolaita Sodo and Yirgalem post Offices on the day of issue.

Orders for stamps and F.D.Cs ( in advance payment ) to the Ethiopian Postal Service, philatelic Section Post Box 1112, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia or to philatelic Agencies of the Transitional Government of Ethiopia Campo- Rodan 9 Rue du Lom-bard 13 – 1,000 Brussels, Belgium for Europe, British Isles and the Common wealth countries or IGPC P. 0. Box 4107 Grand Central post Office 460 West 34 Street New York City NY 10001 U.S.A far North, Central and South America.

To a large extent the topography of Ethiopia explains its history and ethnology. As such, the geographical characteristics of the country have enabled the diverse and numerous peoples of Ethiopia to maintain their traditions, culture and languages.

The development of diversified traditions and culture leads the peoples of Ethiopia to use different kinds of hair ornaments.

Even though, there are many kinds of hair ornaments like glass beads, cowries, amber, etc. used in common by Ethiopian peoples, those attached to certain areas are also considerable. Such hair ornaments are mostly produced by women whose Ingenuity account for using certain methods. The materials used to produce such ornaments Include wooden shells, ivory, horn, nuts, seeds, leather, grass, nails, safety pins, metal capsules, etc.

For this issue, four kinds of hair ornaments which are in use in four different areas of the country are depicted below in the order of their denominations.

The first one is made from iron and is used by the konso nationality in Gamo gofa region. The second is made from aluminum beads. It is used by the Oromo nationality in Borena, Sidamo region. The other one is made from metal and is used by the Hammer nationality in Gamo Gofa region. The last on is a hair-pin which is made from silver and is used by the people in Wollo region.