UNHCR will be half a century old and in 2001, the 1951 Convention related to Status of Refugees will turn 50. EPS joins hands with the Universal Postal Union (UPU) in drawing world attention to the cause of refugees and the need for protection of uprooted persons worldwide by issuing series of commemorative stamps.
UNHCR is mandated by the United Nations to lead and co-ordinate international action for the world-wide protection of refugees and the resolution of refugee problems.
UNHCR’S founding mandate defines refugees as persons who are outside their country and cannot return owing to a well-founded gear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership of a particular group The UNHCR’S main activities on behalf of refugees are international protection assistance to large numbers of refugees during major emergencies as well as in more stable circumstances including food, health, shelter, and education and the search for lasting solutions.
The cause of the refugees affects every member country of the United Nations. As of January 2000, there were 6.2 million people, of concern to UNHCR in Africa out of an estimated 22.3 million world-wide. The Africa figure includes 3.5 million refugees, 1.7 million internally displaced and 0.9 million former refugees who have recently returned home. In January 1999, the global number of people of concern to UNHCR was 21.5 million, of whom 6.3 were in Africa.
By the end of the century, the UNHCR will be looking after a total of 255 million people, and this number seems unfortunately to be growing again. It is estimated that one out every 250 people on this planet are being looked after by the UNHCR.
Since 1966 when it was established, UNHCR office in Ethiopia has provided international protection and relief assistance to refugees mainly coming from the neighboring countries. The Ethiopian Programme is one of Africa’s longest running refugee programme The government of Ethiopia and its people have earned the respect of the International community for their generosity in hosting, refugees.