

3ኛ እትም •
III Series
Stamp Info
Stamp ID: 1140
51x43.5 mm
Date of Issue:
May 21, 1998
Birr 0.45, 0.55, 3.00
Process of Printing:
Lithography in four colors
Printed by:
Canoe. Security Printing. France

Stamp Introduction

First Day Covers are available at Addis Ababa General Post Office and its branches, Adigrat, Akaki, Arba Minch, Assela, Awasa, Axum, Bahir- Dar, Kebre-Mengist, Debre-Berhan, Debre-Marikos, Debre-Zeit, Dembi-Dolo, Hossana, Dessie, Dilla, Dire Dawa, Fitche, Gambella, Ghion, Ginnir, Robe Bale, Jinka, Gondar, Gore, Harrar, Jijiga, Jimma, Mekele, Mettu, Hagere-Hiwot, Hirna, Nazareth, Negele Borena, Nekemte, Shashemene, Wolaita-Sodo, Assebe Teferi and Yirgalem Post Offices on the day of issue.

Orders for stamps and F.D.C.s. (in advance payment) to the Ethiopian Postal Service, Philatelic Section P.O Box 1112, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia or to Philatelic Agencies of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Campo-Rodan 9 Rue du Lombard 13-1,000 Brussels, Belgium fin. Europe, British Isles and the commonwealth countries or 1GPC P.O. BOX 4107 Grand (‘antral Post Office 460 West 34 Street New York City. NY 10001 USA for North, Central and South America.

Mostly in our country basket work is done for different purposes. The raw material used are herbs. rushes and other fibers. The basket work is. used for different purposes such as baskets trays etc. The basket work depicted in these stamps are locally called “Agelgeloch”. They are from Gondar, Harrari and Tigray. As mentioned above they are produced from herbs, rushes. etc. and will be decorated with different colors. The usage is almost the same in all places. Mostly in rural areas, it is used to hold food, cloths. money and Jewelries. In urban areas, it is mostly used for decoration in a house.