Prior to the 17th century, there were efforts in bridge constructions. One of which is the narrow bridge on the gorge in the upper course of the Blue Nile river downstream of the Tis Isat Falls. This bridge is existent to date. Changes in the Ethiopian road transport sector occur in response to and in anticipation of change in the rest of the economy.
Ethiopia is difficult terrains; cleft in numerous places by canyons of great depth and high mountain ranges has often rendered communication impossible. It was realized that without an adequate system of highways, social retardation and economic retrogression were inevitable.
Following the eviction of Italian occupiers, the Imperial Ethiopian Government was convinced that a Road Agency solely responsible for rehabilitant/restoring and expanding the road network throughout the country had to be established. Accordingly, the Imperial Highway Authority (IHA) was established under proclamation No. 115/1951 as a semiautonomous agency with specific duties to plan, design, construct, and maintain roads.
Although there are a number of bridges built since the establishment of Ethiopian Roads Authority, Ethiopian Postal Service Enterprise would like to sell stamps of Hidase Bridge, Tekeze Bridge and Blue Nile River Bridge as a commemorative stamps.
Abay Hidase Bridge
This is Extra dosed PC Girder Bridge crossing Abay Rives and found in the Abay gorge on the south west Ethiopian, which is 210 K.M from Addis Ababa to Gondar direction. The bridge was completed in 2009 and named Abay Hidase Bridge to remember the new millennium of Ethiopian calendar. Its total length is 303 M with the center span of 145m, which is the longest clear span length in Ethiopia.
Beshlo Bridge
The Beshlo River bridge, which is located between Tenta and Wegel Tenta under Kombolcha District. The bridge is a seven-span RC cantilever bridge. Its bridge length of 319m.
Tekeze Bridge
Tekaze Bridge was completed in 2001 with the total length of 280m. It is the longest steel bridge in Ethiopia. It is located in the northern Ethiopia, between Adihageray and Tekeze.
Abay No.3 Bridge
This RC Arch Bridge was constructed in 1947 by Italian Engineers to cross Abay River the total length is 263 meter and the arch spans124.6 meter. The bridge is on the south west Ethiopia, 200 km from Addis Ababa to Gondar direction.