Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Flag
The Ethiopian flag shall consist of green at the top yellow in the middle and rec at the bottom, and shall have a national emblem at the center. Tie three colors shall be set horizontally in equal dimension. The national emblem on the flag shall reflect the hope of the Nations, Nationalities, peoples as well as religious communities of Ethiopia together in equality and unity.
The Regional states Flags and Emblem meanings represent the following:
Tigray National Regional state
The yellow represents fertility. hope and security: the Red represents the History of the Tigray people, patriotism and sacrifice; the Yellow star represents equality and unity with all peoples of the world.
Afar National Regional state
The Green for fertility; the Blue for showing that the region is rich in water and mineral resources; the White for peace and stability: the Dagger shows that it is the traditional instrument of the Afar people shows the relationship of the Afar people with the International labor union.
Amhara National Regional state
The Yellow for the future bright hope of the Amhara people in economy and social prosperity; the red shows the sacrifice and struggle made by the Amhara people for peace, democracy and freedom; the star shows hope and believe of the Amhara people to live with the other people in unity, love and caring.
Oromiya Regional state
The Red for patriotisms, struggle, sacrifice and victory; the White for prosperity, peace and hope; the Black for principle, beauty and purity: the Oda with two major branches symbolizes the tradition on unity, administration under the law, peace and democracy, wealth and fertility as well as centralism.
Somale Nationa Regional state:
The Upper green part shows that the land is fertile, rich in natural resources and convenient for agricultural development; the white represents that he Somalia people has interest in living together peace with the other Ethiopian peoples: the Red part showing that the state and the people struggled and will struggle for justice, democracy, development, equality and unity: the Blue represents the brotherly relationship between the Somalia people and with other Ethiopian People the five Home star on the Blue part shows the future hope of the people.
Benishangule Gumuz National Regional state
The Red represents the sacrifice made for their land by the people and to show that nationalities are related and they have good communication with the others; the black for the peoples color the Yellow represents the future hope and the mineral resources, the Green represents the fertility of the land; the White for peace.
Southern Nations Nationalities and peoples National Regional state
The Blue for water resources; the White for representing that the peoples are peace lovers: The Red to represent that the unity came by the sacrifice and struggle of the people: the hut found in the middle represents the unity of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and peoples
Gambela peoples National Regional state
red for patriotism, sacrifice and struggle made by the Gambela peoples; the White tells that the peace was gotten by the Sacco and struggle of the peoples; the Black star represents the relations between the Gambela peoples and nations, nationalities and peoples; the Green represents the natural resources and fertility and also the future hope of the peoples; the Black represents the identity of Gambela peoples. The Corn is their main food; the Drum is used by all nation and nationalities and also shows the art and tradition of the peoples for the state natural treasure and the peoples food; the Palm for peace and love.
Harari People National Regional state
The white represents the people interest for peace, just equality; the Red for struggle and sacrifice made for their right; the Green for future hope and also the people has set out development and growth.
The Dove for peace and also shows that the Harari region is full peace; the Balance or representing the state government of hida and the Peoples real believe for democracy, justice and equality: the Gegole shows that it is one of the historical heritage and protected by the Harari people; the Cultivating tools:- the Haram people has set out to make the development plan real by centralizing the rural area; the Sun ray – for the future hope to disseminate knowledge; the Wheat – the aim of the Harari people to support themselves in food self sufficient; the Coffee acts as the foreign currency for the regional state growth.