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30th Anniversary of The Pan African Postal Union (PAPU)

Stamp Info
Stamp ID: 0691
Date of Issue:
April 6, 2010
Birr 0.45, 0.55, 3.00
Process of Printing:
Lithography in four colors
Printed by:
Joh. Enschida stamps security printers

Stamp Introduction

Each first Day covers are available at Addis Ababa General post office philatelic section and all post office branches. The stamps are on sale in all post offices starting from day of issue. Orders for stamps and F.D Cs (in advance payment) to the Ethiopian postal service philatelic Team, P.O.BOX 1112 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The Pan African Postal Union


The Pan African Postal Union (PAPU), a specialized agency of the African Union (AU), was born in 1980 following the decision of the plenipotentiary conference of 35 OAU member countries during a meeting held on 8th to 18th January 1980 in Arusha, the United Republic of Tanzania. The purpose of forming the Union was to spearhead the development of postal services in Africa.

While it is true that the Universal Postal Union (UPU) is handling development of postal services worldwide. every region in the world has its own specificity making it necessary to provide Africa with a continental postal organization that is capable of spearheading and safeguarding the region’s interests at the global arena.

With its headquarters in Arusha, PAPU currently has a membership of 43 countries. The supreme policy making body of the Union is the plenipotentiary conference composed of ministers responsible for Communications and Information Technology of member countries, which meets every four years in ordinary sessions to consider and approve broad four year program of activities, budget ceilings for the four year cycle, election of the secretary general and his/her assistant, among others. The Conference also holds extra-ordinary Sessions where necessary.

The administrative council which reports to the conference runs the affairs of the Union between conferences. It meets annually. The council’s work is beefed up by Technical committees that address a wide range of aspects of postal services as follows:

  • Development of information communication technologies and modernization of postal services and financial services,
  • Improvement of quality of service, mail circulation and security of the postal network.
  • Key UPU content issues and how the African continent can safeguard its interests on the global arena.
  • Postal development, international cooperation and development of human resources,
  • Development and promotion of philately in Africa.
Strategies Issues

The General Secretariat plays the critical role of coordination and implementation of the decisions of the above organs under the supervision of the Secretariat Management Board.

The Union recently adopted a new vision, mission and strategic objectives that are geared towards transforming postal services in Africa to be in tune with customer needs and expectations, as well as enhanced viability of the post in the highly competitive communication environment.

Some of the key elements in the new strategic direction include:

  • Development of modern quality products and services for customer satisfaction,
  • Promoting reforms to boost development of the physical, electronic and financial postal network
  • Establishment of efficient postal outlets and intra African Mail Transmission Networks
  • Improvement of efficiency and human capital at the Secretariat and member countries
  • Creation of a single postal territory in Africa through harmonization of policies, practices and regulations as well as common positions at the international for a, and enhancement of cooperation with sub-regional postal organizations
  • Promotion of reforms for sustainable development of the Post.
PAPU Program Of Action

This is the single most important tool for implementation of the decisions of the organs of the Union. The Administrative Council normally approves about eight to ten activities for implementation in any given financial year. The subject matters are in harmony with the strategic objectives of the Union.

The 30th Anniversary of PAPU is one of the events in the current Program of Action of the Union for the Period 2009-2010

Funding The PAPU Budget

PAPU wholly depends on members annual contributions and donations from well wishers and Finer stakeholders for implementation of its programmers of activities. The contributions differ From country to country depending on a pre-approved Scale of assessment However, PAPU faces challenges due to the inability of some member countries to honor their commitments. This has made if necessary for PAPU to mainly depend on contributions from member countries, as well as well wishers and other stakeholders Examples of the countries that have recently been highly supportive and are willing to host and meet expenses related to the annual activities of the Union for the current financial year include South Africa, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Libya, Egypt, Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Tunisia.

It is against this background that the Union requested the United Republic of Tanzania to host the 30th Anniversary event and seek ways and means of making it a resounding success by availing the necessary financial, human and material resources

Source:- pan African general secretariat office postal union (PAPU).