The Intergovernmental Authority on Drought and Development (IGADD) was established by the six Eastern African countries- Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya. Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda in January 1986 with the Secretariat Headquarters in Djibouti.
IGADD was established to unite the efforts of the Member States and the assistance of the International Community for the purpose of combating drought and other related natural disasters and strengthen the cooperation in all fields of endeavor amongst its members to ensure the promotion of development activities in the sub region.
Size of IGADD:
The six countries cover an area of more than 5 m.m.2 K.Ms and have a population over 130 million-over a quarter of the population in sub-Saharan Africa.
Following the formulation of the IGADD plan of Action in 1986, the 1GADD Secretariat has been actively involved in developing instruments and strategic guide its activities. The main areas include.
- The IGADD Framework for Action (June 1990);
- Food security strategy (September 1990);
- Environmental Protection Strategy (October 1990),
Based on the above two strategies IGADD developed a 5-year programme (1992- 1996) for action.
The Future of IGADD
At a special Summit of Heads of State of IGADD held on18th April 1995 in Addis Ababa. a commitment was made to revitalize IGADD and expand the areas of cooperation among its Member States. This commitment emerged. from a collectively shared conviction among the heads of State. The. future of IGADD will therefore. depend on the result of this revitalization exercise.