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Mother Teresa

Stamp Info
Stamp ID: 1154
30x40 mm
Date of Issue:
March 9, 1999
Birr 0.45, 0.55, 1.00 2.00
Process of Printing:
Lithography in four colors
Printed by:
Oriental Press, Bahrain

Stamp Introduction

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Mother Teresa’s Charity

Mother Teresa was born on the 25th of August 1910 in Skopje Albania. She was the second of three children. She was often called “Mother of the Poor” because of her humanitarian love and aid She left home in 1928 to Dublin Ireland to become a Loretto sisters and in 1923 she was sent to India. Arriving in Calcutta she said “I observe the life in the streets with strange feelings. Clearly there was a great poverty among the people.

Mother Teresa was a very obedient, pray full, kind and loving mother. She was happy and always outgoing to help others and to see their needs. Mother herself recently said “Let us remember those years of the beginning when we had absolutely nothing but the poor.”

The society of the missionaries of charity was born officially out October 7th 1950 in Calcutta India ‘by Mother Teresa with sisters of all countries of the world. By now the missionaries of charity have branch house in 126 countries of the world. More than 600 branch houses are existing today and the congregation has about 500 sisters. Just by considering seven-year information. Mother Teresa had opened 350 humanitarian aid institutions in 71 countries, this figure excludes 146 similar institutions in India. During those days Mother Teresa fed 126,000 families in 190 different places, 14,000 children taught in 97 schools, in addition to providing care for 186,000 leper she cared for over 20,000 destitute.

The missionaries of charity lead by Mother Teresa came to Ethiopia in November 1973. They started to give dedicated service in Addis Ababa. By now their activities have spread all over all over the country. Today there are 12 branch houses in all parts of Ethiopia. The houses are in Addis Ababa: sedist Killo and Mekanisa, Diredawa, Jijijga, Jimma, Gambela, Bale, Awassa, Atamata, Mekele, Adwa, Gondar. All of these houses provide support for street children, those who was born disabled and casted, those children who have mental retardation, those children who have chronic sickness, AIDS victims, Family less children and to those who are not capable to go to hospitals.

Leaving her dedicated service, Mother Teresa passed away on April 7th 1997. Her duties alive for ever.