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Southern Nations, Nationalities and People Decoration

Stamp Info
Stamp ID: 0648
30X40 mm
Date of Issue:
May 27, 2014
Birr 0.15, 0.35, 2.00, 4.00
Process of Printing:
Lithography in four colors
Printed by:
Joh. Enscheda (Netherland)

Stamp Introduction

Each First day covers Envelopes are available at Addis Ababa General post office philatelic section and all post offices Branches. The stamps are on sale in post offices starting From May 27/2014 orders stamps, FDCs in advance Payment) the Ethiopian Postal Service Enterprise philatelic team P.O.BOX 1112 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Southern Nations, Nationalities and people Region (SNNPR)

Southern Nations, Nationalities and People Region (SNNPR) SNNPR is one of the nine ethic divisions (killoch) of Ethiopia. It was formed from the merger of the regions 7-11 following the 1994 elections. Its capital is Awasa. The SNNPR borders Kenya to the south (including a small part of Lake Turkana), the Ilemi triangle (a region claimed by Ethiopian, Kenya and south Sudan) to the west, the Ethiopian region of Gambela to the north west, and the Ethiopian region of Oromia to the north and east. Besides Awasa, the region’s major cities and towns include Arba Minch, Bonga, Chencha, Dilla, Yrgalem, Mizan Teferi, Soddo, Wendo and Worabe.

Based on the 2007 census conducted by the central statistical Agency of Ethiopia (CSA), the SNNPR has an estimated total population of 14,929,548 of whom 7,425,918 were men and 7503,630 women 13,433,991 or 89.98 % of the population are estimated to be rural inhabitants, while 1,495,557 or 10.02 % are Urban.


Location and physical Geography

The Erbore and Tsemay in the Bana in the north, the Dasenetch in the south lake Chelbi in the south east, the Kara or Karo and Mugiji groups, Omo river and Nyangatom ethnic group through Murle controlled hunting area in the west border of the Hamer.

The Territory of hammer is dissected in to west and east by Hamer ranges ran from north to south. This part of Hamer territory is temperate zone. The eastern, western and southern side of this mountain range is haroor (semi desert) with high temperature.

Erbores or Hor

The hor (erbore) are low and east Cushitic people in habiting in the Weyto plain south Tesmako. Tesmako in the north, Boranan in the north east, banana, lake Chelbi and Keny in the south and the Hamer in the west border of hor (erbore). The erbore number four thousand. The Erbore are living in four territorial groups: Gardaraba and kulam are called Erbore and the southern territorial group. Murale and egude and called Murle.

The Dassanech

The Dassanech in habit in the Ethio-Kenyan and Ethio-Sudanese border in Dassanech woreda. The Nyngaatom in the north west the hammer in the north, north east and east the south Sudan on the west and lake Turkan and Kenya in the south border of the Dassanech.

Kara /Karo

The karo in habit at eastern part of Omo River a few kilometers south of Mago national park They are fewer numbers, probably with population of 1000-1500 the karo are south Omotic language speakers similar to the Hamaer culturally and linguistically expect few differences that probably. Arose because of the physical separation.

Decoration is almost universal phenomenon’s of mankind. The karo are not exceptional. In order to decorate themselves the karo use natural resources as well as man made ornaments of various kinds. They paint their hair a mixture of red soil (zare) and butter or castor oil. They commonly wear bracelets and beads are widely used for decoration the girls’ dresses, often made from sheep or goat skin, are decorated with different things including small nails. Every one smears his or her body with seli, a type of soil, for dancing ceremonies. They also have different types of hair styles and it is quite common to put a feather on their head.

Source: – SNNP culture and yours Office