The problem of drug abuse and illicit trafficking affects the person his family and the society. It also has an impact on health, social life, economy; as well as political stability. Illegal use of drugs brings health hazard on the user, makes him criminal as well as non-productive.
Human brain is the core of his existence as well as the leader of each organ in human body. If this leader part is disturbed and affected by using drugs, it will result in disturbance of ‘other organs in the body. At last, it will bring physical or mental disability or death.
Addict is not the only one to suffer. Family suffers in economic terms; disharmony and due to non-productive capacity, the society suffers also. Some of the problems the society encounters are loss in productivity, brings prostitution and environmental pollution. Disturbs the society by murder, robbery or arson.
Generally, to protect drug abuse and illicit trafficking, it requires the cooperation of all nations. Drugs are produced and fabricated in one country and illegally transferred to other countries. Therefore, producer, supplier and trafficking countries must co-operate and work together to solve this problem.