As part of its commitment to technological advancement and strategic innovation, Ethiopost, a beacon of reliable postal service in Ethiopia for over a century, proudly announces its exclusive partnership with Dodai Manufacturing PLC (“Dodai”). Through this collaboration, Ethiopost continues its legacy of “Post for everyone,” further emphasizing its intent to evolve into a technology-driven service provider and setting a new standard in sustainable delivery solutions.

Dodai’s e-motorbikes, which stand central to this partnership, are powered by a 3.6kWh capacity lithium battery, delivering a remarkable 120-150 km range on a single charge. With a battery lifespan three times longer than traditional lead-acid batteries, Dodai’s advanced features play a crucial role in Ethiopost’s decision for this collaboration.

Ms. Hanna Arayaselassie, CEO of Ethiopost, remarked, “At Ethiopost, our century-long journey has always been about adapting and innovating. Partnering with Dodai signifies our commitment to a cleaner future and our ambition to incorporate cutting-edge technologies into our delivery solutions.”

Echoing this sentiment, Mr. Yuma Sasaki, CEO of Dodai Manufacturing PLC, said, “This collaboration with Ethiopost is a testament to Dodai’s vision for sustainable e-mobility. Together, we’re not just shaping the future of deliveries in Addis Ababa but also setting a precedent for the rest of the country.”

This exclusive partnership reflects a mutual goal for a greener and more efficient delivery ecosystem in Addis Ababa and beyond. As this partnership takes flight, Addis Ababa’s residents can look forward to a remarkable evolution in their delivery experiences.

For further inquiries regarding this partnership, please contact:


Email: Phone: +2511151555886

Dodai Manufacturing PLC


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